Anke Graness (PhD) has a FWF-funded
Elise-Richter-Position at the Department
of Philosophy, University of Vienna (Austria) and is currently
working on her habilitation treatise (postdoctoral qualification)
on the History
of Philosophy in Africa South of the Sahara.
Research interests: intercultural philosophy, philosopy in Africa,
History of philosophy, arabic and islamic philosophy, feminist theory,
gender studies, ethics, global justice, political philosophy.
Anke Graness is member of the editorial board of "Polylog.
Journal on Intercultural Philosophy", of the board of
the Viennese Society for Intercultural Philosophy (WIGIP) and of
polylog. e.V. (
See more on Google
for Papers: 23rd ISAPS Conference
(International Society for African Philosophy and Studies)
10th and 11th of July 2017
University of Vienna (Austria)
Title: African Philosophy in an Intercultural Perspective
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (Austria)
in conjunction with the IWK (Vienna) and the Vienna Society for
Intercultural Philosophy (WIGIP)
Conference organisers: Dr. Anke Graness, Dr. Edwin Etieyibo, Dr.
Thomas Hübel
Information here!
My post on the Blog Philosop-Her (4th of March
2016) entitled: Philosophy
in Africa – A Case of Epistemic Injustice in the Academy
caused on "daily nous" a controversial debate:
Lecture on "Writing the History of Philosophy in Africa: Does it
begin in Egypt?" at the University of Mercy Detroit, November
25, 2015 is avaiable on youtube!
Here the link!!
Recent Publications:
Polylog No. 34 "Justice and/or Reconcilliation".
With contributions from Franziska Dübgen, James Ogude and Unifier
Dyer, Josefina Echavarría Álvarez, Naoko Kumagai,
Ursula Baatz and James Garrison.
(in German)

Anke Graness (ed.): Special Issue: Philosophy in Lusophone Africa,
Africana, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2015), 'Introduction', pp. 1
- 9.
Anke Graneß: Philosophie
im subsaharischen Afrika. Website of the "Forschungsinstitut
für Philosophie Hannover" (28. März 2016)
Anke Graneß: Der Ubuntu-Diskurs in Südafrika und sein
Beitrag zur Gerechtigkeitsdebatte, In: Sarhan Dhouib (Hrsg.), Gerechtigkeit
in transkultureller Perspektive. Velbrück Wissenschaft,
Weilerswist 2016, S. 145–167.
Anke Graness: "Questions
of Canon Formation in Philosophy: The History of Philosophy in Africa",
in: Phronimon. Accredited Journal of the South African Society
for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2015),
pp. 78 - 96.
Anke Graness: "Writing the History of Philosophy in Africa:
where to beginn?", in: Journal of African Cultural Studies.
(2015), pp. 1-16,
Anke Graness: "Is the debate on 'Global Justice' a global one?
Some Considerations in View of Modern Philosophy in Africa",
in: Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 11:1 (2015), pp. 126-140.
Franz Gmainer-Pranzl/Anke Graneß (eds.): Perspektiven interkulturellen
Philosophierens. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Methodik von Polylogen.
Für Franz Martin Wimmer. Wien: Facultas/WUV 2012
Anke Graneß: Das menschliche Minimum. Globale Gerechtigkeit
aus afrikanischer Sicht: Henry Odera Oruka. Campus Verlag
Frankfurt 2011. (more
information here)
A. Graness/K. Kresse (eds.): Sagacious Reasoning. Henry
Odera Oruka in memoriam. Peter Lang Verlag Frankfurt 1997.
More on Henry Odera Oruka in WIKIPEDIA:
Or see the article on Sage-Philosophy by Gail Presbey:
Contact: graness(at)